Module 1 – Dissolving the structure of separation

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Course 1 – Cosmogony of Creation

Understanding the place of our human nature in the whole of creation brings into perspective our divine origin will helps us trust and surrender to life knowing we part of an immense tapestry of

Course 2 – Crisis, vulnerability and reconstruction

We will learn about the crisis energy and how this energy is an impulse to our personal evolution. Moreover, vulnerabilty is actually a stage in the process of a crisis that will enable us to move into a new sense of self into the building of a self aligned with our soul.

Course 3 – Dissolving false identities

We will enter into the territory of the shadow-self learning to understand and transform it into our greatest potential. We discover the energy os the heart as the great unifier to bring light and dark into the consciousness of unity. Moreover, Understanding the role of contrast and “evil” will relieve the suffering we feel during such times.

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