
My experience


My work has emerged from over 15 years of deep soul search, intuitive psychic downloads, spiritual initiations, mentors and study and practice of various spiritual disciplines. I also have imparted more than 40 group workshops throughout Europe (Belgium, Germany, France, Italy, Spain and the Czech Rep.) and Mexico. Along with more than 500 individual sessions in different countries. 

Academic background

E. David was born in Guadalajara, Mexico and has been living in Europe since 2006. He holds a degree in Business Administration and Marketing from the Universidad Panamericana and participated in an exchange and internship in the MBA program at the University of Illinois at Champaing-Urbana, USA. 

However, he had always shown great interest in spirituality and holistic healing that lead him to study various spiritual disciplines in an autonomous way and with renown teachers and mentors such as: Kundalini Massage with crystals, Obsidian Healing Therapy, Montserrat and Madrid – Spain, Ana Silvia Serrano. He has also participated as a speaker at the III International Congress on Obsidian Geometries, Symbol, Myth and Energy – Madrid, Spain.

Furthermore, he attender “The Two Year Training” – personal growth and spiritual development for men – by GLS, (Kai Erthard and Volker Moritz), in Berlin, Germany; and various individual trainings like Sound Healing with Mark Hagmaier, of Karlsruhe Germany, among others. 

As there is never an end to learning, he is currently studying:

Biblical Hebrew by The Israel Institute of Biblical Studies, Israel and a Diploma and Master in Kabbalah by Dr. Mario Saban, Barcelona, Spain.



Reformulando la creencia del amor de mi padre

“”Gracias por tu servicio. No se como llegué hasta a ti, pero me ha encantado encontrarte. Conecto maravillosamente con tus enseñanzas, escuche los 3 podcast en español y el del roll de víctima fue un ejercicio maravilloso que me mostró tanto de mi y me permitió reformular la creencia del amor de mi padre y que ha sido súper liberador” .”

A. Quintana


“Gracias David te agradezco el taller que nos diste fue una liberación para mi”

Rosa linda, Mexico

Sintiendome Ligera

“Tuve el gusto de conocer a David quién me inspiro confianza enseguida y experimenté su trabajo energético el cuál me ayudó a sentirme más ligera y por lo tanto con mayor bienestar. Disfruto escuchar sus mp3, y los sonidos que usa por sus altas frecuencias vibratorias, así que recomiendo ampliamente el trabajo energético de David..”

Bahia A.

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